Are you thinking of running in the next council election? 

We help candidates prepare to run for civic office. If you are still sitting on the fence, we can also help you decide whether to take the plunge.

Free resources for candidates

We have developed a suite of resources for aspiring candidates - all completely complimentary. These are designed for people running in local government in NSW. Not in New South Wales or Australia? Many of our resources will still be valuable, but be sure to check the local requirements in your jurisdiction.

Checklist for candidates

Before you dive in the deep end, download our free checklist for candidates. This is a list of must-do activities for community members thinking about running in the local government election in New South Wales in 2024.

It will help you decide if running for civic office is right thing for you right now. 

Political skills reflection tool

Being a local councillor requires universal and specific leadership skills. The self-led process covers the positive and negative behaviours related to six skill areas of political leadership. It will give you a solid gauge of where you are and where you can grow.

Take 30 minutes now to gain the valuable insight you need to be a successful candidate and councillor.

Podcast: diary of a candidate

Tune into our monthly fireside chat with a real life candidate as we explore the questions that are top of mind of every candidate. This six part podcast series goes behind the corflute signs to follow the journey of a courageous community member putting her hand up for election. 

Discover answers to 'front of mind' candidate questions - listen along in the car, on your walk or with your cuppa.  

Diary of a candidate | Podcast | Locale Learning
7 day candidate launchpad challenge | Locale Learning

Candidate launchpad challenge

Get crystal clear on your readiness to run in the upcoming local government election and set-up yourself for success. This complimentary seven day challenge will help you decide if becoming a councillor is the right fit for you at this point in your life.  

Gain clarity about your motivations, values and vision and how this aligns with being a local government councillor.

Coaching for candidates

Deciding whether to put your hand up to represent your community is a big decision. 
We can help you make the right decision with our targeted coaching service for candidates.

In our curated coaching process, you will complete a series of self-reflection exercises to check your capability and knowledge against the formal requirements of being a councillor in New South Wales. Through a one to one coaching session, we will help you identify your areas of strength and growth.
We will also check in on what is driving you to represent your local community and guide you through a process to align your inner fire with the formal expectations of being in civic office.

More information for candidates

The information on this website is general in nature. It is your responsibility as a candidate to understand all aspects of the conduct of local government elections in your particular jurisdiction including whether you need to complete mandatory training as a candidate. For detailed guidance on regulations and legislative requirements: 

 If you are candidate in the Queensland local government elections, check with the Queensland Electoral Commission and the Department of State Development and Infrastructure 

 If you are candidate in the New South Wales local government elections, check with the NSW Electoral Commission and the NSW Office of Local Government

 If you are candidate in the Victorian local government elections, check with the Victorian Electoral Commission and Victorian Government 
Write your awesome label here.

Training for politicians with a difference

We are changing the game in training and support for our elected leaders. Humans first is our motto. Support for the whole leader is our ethos. From ethics, governance, mindset, wellbeing and technical know-how about the local government system, we teach the big and little skills needed to effectively lead and govern as a local councillor. And most importantly, to be impactful leader for the community you serve.

Latest insights 

We regularly write articles and host webinars about the leadership skills, practical tools and technical knowledge local councillors need to successfully lead their communities. Take a read of some our latest insights.

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